
How do I configure file Storage?

To configure your storage settings,

  1. Log in to your admin dashboard and switch to Super Admin.
  2. Next, go to Settings → Storage Settings.

If you are having trouble uploading files in Studybuddy, ensure your storage settings are correct.

It supports two types of storage: one is local, and another is s3.

If you choose s3, make sure you input all the s3 fields, like access key, secret, region, bucket, etc. Otherwise, choose local, which does not require any additional configuration. Choosing local will store all the files in your hosting where the application is installed. S3 will store files in Amazon S3 or any compatible storage, for example, Digital Ocean and others.

For the S3 Configuration-

Step 1: Sign into AWS Management Console

Go to the AWS Management Console and click on 'Sign In to the Console'. If you do not have an Amazon account, you will need to set one up.

Step 2: Create an S3 Bucket

From the AWS Management Console:

  1. Click on 'Services' then select 'S3' under 'Storage'
  2. Click on 'Create bucket'
  3. Give your bucket a name - note that this must be unique across all existing bucket names in Amazon S3
  4. Select a Region where you want the bucket to reside
  5. Click on 'Create'

Step 3: Create Access Key and Secret

  1. Go back to the AWS Management Console
  2. Hover over your account name at the top right and click 'My Security Credentials'
  3. Expand the 'Access keys (access key ID and secret access key)' section
  4. Click 'Create New Access Key'


When the keys are created, you will only have one opportunity to view the Secret Access Key. Be sure to save it safely. If you lose it, you have to delete the Access Key and create a new set.

Step 4: Save Your Credentials

Get your Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, the region you created the bucket in, and the bucket name. You'll need these to configure your StudyBuddy to use S3.


Below is an example-

  • Access key ID: ABC*************
  • Secret Access Key: AbCd12*******************
  • Region: us-west-2
  • Bucket: my-sample-bucket
  • Endpoint: